Opie and Anthony Radio
Opie and Anthony Radio

100% uncensored classic Opie & Anthony Shows as well as current comedy podcasts, 24/7.

O&A currently M-F 6AM-6PM EST, followed by an hour of Anthony. Then, Legion of Skanks until 10PM. Overnights are a mix of all other content. Saturdays are currently O&A from 6AM-9PM, then "Saturday Night Live O&A" until Midnight, then back to an overnight mix. Sunday is still TDB...

Shows include Anthony Cumia, Legion of Skanks, Kill Tony, Bill Burr's Monday Morning Podcast, This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von, Bad Friends (Bobby Lee & Andrew Santino), select Rogan episodes & more.

ZERO subscription-only content is utilized for ANY shows (including AC); please support the shows you enjoy!

Ramoooonee!!! Fetch me my phone and stream Zeno.FM please...