Melodic 21
Melodic 21

Estás en MELODIC21, donde suena la mejor música del recuerdo: 60's 70's 80s y 90s. Presiona el botón de PLAY y déjate llevar por los mejores éxitos retro: The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Michael Jackson, Queen, Madonna, ACDC, The Cure y muchos más suenan 24/7/365 aquí.

MELODIC21: la estación online hecha para y por amantes de la música retro. Si ésta es tu música, da PLAY y disfruta. Visítanos en Facebook para enterarte de novedades e interactuar; Encuéntranos como "Melodic 21 Radio".

ENGLISH - You are at MELODIC21, the station with true "retro soul" in all its programming, playing the best music from the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's.

Michael Jackson, Queen, Madonna, ACDC, The Cure and so many more are here 24/7/365 on MELODIC21, just one PUSH PLAY away.

MELODIC21: the station for true lovers of retro-music made by true lovers of retro-music. Couse we love the music that you love. Here: WE ARE ALL MELODIC!! If you'd wish to interact more in this retro world, visit our Facebook page; you can find us as "Melodic 21 Radio".

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As you know, we are an independent broadcast station. For us, It has always been hard to maintain our broadcast without your support. To support us, please click to the donate button and then choose the app you’ll donate with. Thank you very much!

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Melodic 21

Melodic 21

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