
Come to the table

Read John 3:16 and prayer request

April 15, 2023

Come to the table

Hey everyone we are waiting for the day.

April 13, 2023

Ready or not

A sound of a trumpet Dear bride air strikes are in the land I don’t want one soul to perish. Come to me and I will give you rest. Seek the kindom first and you will find me. Very soon the trumpet will sound once is sounds my chooses ones will be taken. My son look at Israel have gone. To the mountains tops. And don’t let your heart be weary my sone tell my bride once i come many will have to give up there life by the sward. Power outage will be more and more common on the land. My fathers house many mansion and he want you to be part of it. Am coming quickly. Say lord God Georgia Philadelphia and Tennessee power outages will sweep the land. New York Tsunami is coming your way. Repent before it too late I Will remove my spirit from the earth. And there will be that no man will die because I will take them out of the land. The mark of the beast will start in china and the Philippines. You will know the sign of the mark. You will not be able to buy or sell. I don’t want one soul to perish I moron Over them who did not take my warning. I am coming get ready and come and I will give you rest. Singed yahshua

April 11, 2023