What if the Future of Flight is Female? Meagan Davis - Creator of Women Rock Wings
05 July 2021

What if the Future of Flight is Female? Meagan Davis - Creator of Women Rock Wings

When Women Fly
In today's episode, Sylvia is joined by Meagan Davis, Air Force Chaplain, entrepreneur, aviatrix, mentor and creator of Women Rock Wings. Meagan shares her story from early influences growing in Brooklyn to being called to chaplaincy and learning to fly. They discuss the power of faith, her belief that women were born to soar, and the transformative influence of community.

During the month of March, Women's History Month, we lean into the the power of community by affirming each other’s knowledge and credibility, perhaps what we collectively need most. Meagan is changing the narrative of all women by elevating the voices and using her platform to highlight an adage, "The Future of Flight is Female", an assertion to continue progressing together in all fields.

Topics Include:

Growing up in Brooklyn and maternal role models
The influences of being from a matriarchal family
Finding a path to the Air Force at age 20
Grit and perseverance–knowing you are more than enough
Transitioning from aircraft electrician to chaplain
Misconceptions about the military
Positive mindset, happiness and joy in the face of adversity
The power vulnerability has to foster connection
Creating Women Rock Wings
Being kind to yourself
And much more ...
Resources Mentioned:
Women Rock Wings
IG: @womenrockwings


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