The #SpeakEasy Podcast
The #SpeakEasy Podcast

The #SpeakEasy Podcast

Altovise is an introverted entrepreneur residing in the DMV that launched, stumbled, and learned how to manage entrepreneurship, motivational speaking, and being a single mom. Her failure led her to start conversations with CEOs and entrepreneurs about the good, the bad, and the ugly when you first start a business. (Or, when you first try to start a business) She has written and co-authored multiple best-selling books including her first book, "It's Okay to Cry" - and now, in this podcast, Altovise brings you the conversations that can help female Entrepreneurs in the DMV to launch, stumble less and learn. Can you become a successful entrepreneur? New episodes on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
The Journey to Healing Trauma with Somatic Hypnotherapist Mahesh Grossman
11 August 2022
The Journey to Healing Trauma with Somatic Hypnotherapist Mahesh Grossman

When faced with a seemingly insurmountable goal, our protagonist must overcome the subconscious messages preventing them from success - messages which are a result of past trauma. In this episode you will learn: 1. What is trauma, and how does one heal from it?
2. What are the different ways that trauma can manifest in one's life?
3. What is the best way to deal with trauma, specifically in regard to business?

"Everything is healable."

Mahesh Grossman is a somatic hypnotherapist who helps people connect the subconscious mind and body. He has been working on his own trauma for 36 years and has developed a 5-step trauma detox process.

This is Mahesh Grossman's story...

I'm a somatic hypnotherapist, which means I help people connect their subconscious minds and body. I've been working on my own trauma for 36 years, and only recently discovered some of the things that were holding me back. I use a technique called the magnet technique to help people let go of the stuff that's holding them back. You imagine the person who hurt you holding a magnet and letting the magnet pull everything you back out of you.

In this episode, you will learn the following:
1. What is trauma, and how does one heal from it?
2. What are the different ways that trauma can manifest in one's life?
3. What is the best way to deal with trauma, specifically in regard to business?

Instagram, TikTok and Twitter: maheshgro

Chapter Summaries:
[00:00:01] - Today's episode of #SpeakEasy is going to be about trauma and one of the ways that people are healing from it. The guest is Mahesh.

[00:01:23] - Somatic Hypnotherapist helps people connect their subconscious, mind, and their body. She works with entrepreneurs and with people who have difficult childhoods. She has been working on her own trauma for 36 years. She would earn $300000 a year, and then she'd pay it back by working at McDonald's. After 37 years of doing her process work, I discovered something for my mother's mother that was running me that I never discovered before. It's not all one and done. Everything is healable. Everything can be repaired. It can be detestable.

[00:07:34] - A month ago. Something was bothering me since when I was six. It was my father's fear when we moved from New York to Baltimore. And it wasn't mine. I had a client who had an anger management issue, and it turned out to be his father's anger.

[00:08:42] - This technique is important to me. I call it the magnet technique. I would do both sets of grandparents and stepparents and sometimes siblings. I had one guy go through twelve in a row about two weeks ago. He had taken in a lot of energy. It's not one and done.

[00:10:26] - It's disheartening because there are so many people that are carrying such a heavy load from their parents, grandparents, society and their own situations. It shows up in their health in their business and it's heartening because many people still say “get over it“.

[00:13:03] - There are different ways to get rid of anxiety. The first step is to notice where you feel something in your body and ask yourself, how old was the first time you had that feeling? And where was the person you were with at the time? The second step is the release of tension. The third step is guided imagery. The fourth step is working with nerve endings. The most common thing with perfectionism is the need to be perfect for loved ones. The first time I criticized my father in therapy, I had a total meltdown for the entire weekend. There are different ways to work with that. One of them is the magnet technique. The other is talking to the younger parts of you. Sometimes children need their parents to be perfect in order to be loved. They need someone to recast their parents as someone they know and love, or a spiritual figure or a character from a TV show, book or movie, or celebrity to do that.

[00:24:43] - There is a glass ceiling that we create for ourselves through the things that we've been through. Some of them are from trauma and things we've experienced. For example, she wanted to be a social worker, but she's back in school, working on her degree in psychology, and she's been having problems in the last few semesters.” this is such an amazing episode. I want you to go back and take good notes. Get index cards and notebooks and write things down. I have this bigger mission of helping people heal from trauma and things like that. Let the studio audience know how they can reach out to you if they need more information and where they can find the book.

[00:32:13] - Mahesh Grossman is a hypnotherapist who uses hypnosis to help people recover from trauma. Mahesh has written a book and a course called “divert Trauma Detox “. He also has a quiz to see how hypnotizable he is.

[00:33:49] - Let us know how this episode resonated with you by leaving a review on your favorite podcasting platform.

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Can I Listen? with Dr. Elvir Causevic
09 August 2022
Can I Listen? with Dr. Elvir Causevic

Are you dealing with any of this?1) You don't know how to live a good life. 2) You don't know how to balance different aspects of your life. 3) You're not mindful and present at the moment. In this episode, you will learn: 1. How our perception of wisdom has changed over time

"Wisdom is not really book smart. It's also about going back to nature and going back to the ancient teachings. And frankly, the one thing I'm most excited about is how much guidance and wisdom comes from our bodies."

Dr. Elvir Causevic is a Bosnian American engineer, lawyer, and business executive who has written and spoken extensively on the topic of wisdom. He is the founder of Up End, a company that provides wisdom training and coaching.

This is Dr. Elvir Causevic's story...

My guest Dr. Elvir Causevic and I discussed the definition of wisdom. Dr. Causevic noted that wisdom is often seen as intellectual knowledge, but it is so much more than that. Wisdom is about balance, empathy, and compassion. It is also about being in the moment and enjoying what we have. To gain wisdom, we must first be aware of ourselves and our surroundings. We must also be willing to take action.

In this episode, you will learn the following:
1. How our perception of wisdom has changed over time



Chapter Summaries:
[00:00:02] - Dr Elvir  is the guest on this episode of The #Speakeasy Podcast. He is an avid reader who believes in the importance of wisdom and being wise. Dr. Elvir explains to the podcast how the perception of wisdom has changed over time and how people's perceptions of it have evolved.

[00:01:23] - Dr. Elvir Causevic is originally from Bosnia. He's been in the US. For 30 years, he is a father of four kids from 11 to 25. Dr. Elvir has trained as an engineer and as a lawyer. He has worked in investment banking and in Silicon Valley. He always enjoyed working with people and learning from people who have been the wise elders in his life.

[00:03:24] - Wisdom is about a balance between self and others, between now and later. It's also about the difference between intellectual knowing in your brain and incorporating all different kinds of knowing. Nature is one of the greatest teachers of wisdom because when we leave it alone, nature is in balance. The body is an incredible source of wisdom. Nature is also a source of wisdom. Wisdom allows us to slow down and enjoy what it is that we actually have. 

[00:11:09] - At Yale, he learned a lot about wisdom. Now he's started six companies. His last company is called Up End because he's trying to upend life challenges with wisdom skills. He's a dad of four and manages kids, families, and relationships. Plus, these companies. He teaches people how to rewire their brains so that it's not automatic. The key thing is to tackle and carry through. It's the taking of action that helps train your brain and wisdom. If I don't act on automatic and I give myself a break, everybody wins. I feel better, my friend feels better, my customer feels better, and my kid feels better.

[00:17:13] - Awareness is being aware of your surroundings. It's a skill that's proven to have worked for 60000 years. From ancient Africa and Aboriginals in Australia, South America, North America, Europe, and everywhere. Unfortunately, it's not taught in schools in the way it used to be. It's the same with families, with friends, with themselves, with their bodies, and with their own health.

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Wealthy by Design: How to Create Generational Wealth with Portia Wood
04 August 2022
Wealthy by Design: How to Create Generational Wealth with Portia Wood

Empowering yourself with an estate plan gives you the ability to create transformational change for your family for generations to come.

"Wealth is opportunity. Wealth is access. Wealth is stability."

Portia Wood is a generational wealth planning attorney and partner at the Wood Legal Group law firm. She is also the founder of the Black Trust Fund Kids Club on TikTok and Clubhouse, where she talks about intergenerational wealth in historically and systematically marginalized communities.

This is Portia Wood's story...

Portia Wood is a generational wealth planning attorney and partner at the Wood Legal Group law firm. She is also the founder of the Black Trust Fund Kids Club on TikTok and Clubhouse. She defines wealth as opportunity, access, and stability. Wood explains that everyone over the age of 18 needs a property power of attorney, healthcare directive, and distribution plan as a part of their estate plan. She says that these are the bare minimum requirements for estate planning and that they have nothing to do with how much money a person has. Wood emphasizes the importance of intergenerational wealth planning for black families. She says that by avoiding probate, one person can save their family $50,000 that would otherwise go to attorneys' fees and personal representative fees. This $50.

In this episode, you will learn the following:
1. Defining wealth as stability, access, and opportunity, rather than simply a high net worth.
2. The importance of having a solid estate plan in place, regardless of age or financial situation.
3. The ability of one person to create transformational change for their family through estate planning.


Chapter Summaries:
[00:00:02] - The #SpeakEasy is a weekly podcast. Portia is going to introduce herself to the studio audience, and then they're going to dive into today's conversation about building wealth and being an entrepreneur. The game has changed a lot in the last six years, but there are still some things that need to be left out of the conversation.

[00:01:39] - Portia Wood is a generational wealth planning attorney and partner at the Wood Legal Group law firm with her mother. She is also the founder of the Black Trust fund kids club on TikTok and Clubhouse. Portia defines wealth as an opportunity, access, stability, and economic stability.

[00:03:56] - Estate planning is the foundation to your financial home. It's the concrete and steel that you lay at the bottom of the foundation. Estate planning is about personal autonomy, family structure, and intergenerational wealth creation. Estate plans should include a property power of attorney, a healthcare directive, and a distribution plan. Portia talks about the importance of estate planning and how it can be beneficial for African Americans. She explains that only 13% of college-educated African Americans are getting $10000 for the next generation. She also explains that it's not too late to make estate planning decisions. Half of a million-dollar estate is going to be spent on lawyers' fees and personal representative fees. $50000 can be used to pay off college tuition or a down payment on a property. The Internet has the ability to share information in a way that did not exist before. Entrepreneurship is a powerful tool. There are financial tools to protect families like keymen insurance, life insurance, custodial accounts, and compounding interest. My son is four and he has a custodial account. I talked to my child about JavaScript and computer coding and just speak the language in his everyday language. This episode is five years old. Portia is a member of Wood Legal Group, a legal group that promotes intergenerational wealth in their community. They are raising money for the Black Trust Fund for kids on Tik Tok as well as the Tik Tok Kids fund. 

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The Power of Patience: Shelly Sood’s Story of Overcoming Mental Illness
02 August 2022
The Power of Patience: Shelly Sood’s Story of Overcoming Mental Illness

A wife and mother of three overcomes incredible odds to save her husband's life and starts a healthcare company as a result. In this episode, you will learn: 1. How can you tell if someone is driven by their ego or by their heart?
2. What are the benefits of therapy for mental health?
3. How can you be an advocate for seeking out counseling and sticking with it?

"I proved to myself that I was strong enough and capable enough to beat the odds and not listen to all these other people that were telling me it's a lost cost because I can't even tell you how many times I really heard that."

Shelly Sood is a wife, mother of three, entrepreneur, author, and mental health advocate. She is also the co-founder of a healthcare company.

This is Shelly Sood's story...

Shelley Sood is a wife, mother of three, entrepreneur, author, and mental health advocate. Shelly's husband suffered from bipolar disorder for nearly two decades, and Shelly helped save his life. As a result of helping her husband through his struggle with mental illness, Shelly eventually launched a healthcare company. When asked what allowed her to have the courage to go back and help her husband, Shelly explained that she was driven by her heart, not her ego. She also educated herself on the symptoms of the illness in order to distinguish the illness from her husband's personality. Shelly emphasized the importance of setting boundaries and taking care of oneself while serving as a caretaker for someone else. Starting the business has been a rewarding experience for Shelly,.

In this episode, you will learn the following:
1. How can you tell if someone is driven by their ego or by their heart?
2. What are the benefits of therapy for mental health?
3. How can you be an advocate for seeking out counseling and sticking with it?


Chapter Summaries:
[00:00:01] - The #SpeakEasy podcast has a new episode. Today's guest is Shelly. She shares her experience with entrepreneurship. The episode is about starting a business and elevating the business. Shelley will let the studio audience know a little bit about herself, and then they will dive into the topic.

[00:00:37] - Shelly is a wife, mother of three, entrepreneur, author, and mental health advocate. Her husband suffered from bipolar disorder for nearly two decades and they got back together. Hilary helped save his life and launched a healthcare company. As a result of helping him through this struggle with mental illness,

[00:03:58] - The first step is to educate yourself and talk to experts. The problem with medicine is that it doesn't allow family members to give some of the symptoms and a full picture of what's going on with the patient. It also leads to a lot of misdiagnoses.

[00:05:40] - After her husband came back from treatment, she realized that she was still falling apart. She has been in marital therapy for a long time. She does meditation for 45 minutes to an hour every morning for self-care. Her husband has to accept that she is not a superwoman, and she is human. PTSD is starting to evolve, and people are opening up more and more to it. It provides a neutral third party and an outlet for people to talk about their feelings and not be judged. It's important to make sure that we have that face and to learn the definitions of some of the words.

[00:13:04] - Beverly saved her husband's life by getting him help with bipolar disorder. Now she wants to go into health care and give back to people in society. She doesn't see it as a thorn in her side, as she knows what it takes to get past this point.

[00:15:31] - The pandemic shifted some things. In the counseling industry, psychotherapists are moving from in-person sessions to virtual ones, which is a win for people who had anxiety about going into an office. Psychotherapy takes a lot of time and effort and finding the right therapist can be detrimental to mental health.

[00:19:04] - Listeners. This episode is really important because we've seen many people go through things and they feel like they're all alone. There's always somebody that wants to hear what it is that is going on with you that can help when we think about starting a business. Listen, your mental health is important.

[00:20:33] - Shelly's company is called GEOStar Chicago. And the website is Giostarchicagocom. Shelley's company helps patients with degenerative conditions like arthritis, Crohn's, lung disease, and things like that. Shelley also has a book coming out.

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Your Relationship with Credit with Nathalie Noisette
28 July 2022
Your Relationship with Credit with Nathalie Noisette

In a world where we're not taught about credit, one woman takes it upon herself to write a book and educate others on the hidden strategies needed for massive credit success. In this episode, you will learn: 1. How credit can be used to leverage making more money
2. The importance of teaching kids about credit and budgeting early on
3. How to address bad credit and move forward

"Credit is not just three numbers, I'm going to borrow money, I'm going to do this. It's a snapshot in some ways, right? And then it's also the way for a bank to assess risk and trust with you."

Natalie Noisette is the author of "Converted: Uncovered the Hidden Strategies You Need to Achieve Massive Credit Score Success." She is 33 years old and retired from corporate at 20 years old. She now has her own business and offers products and services to other women to help them do the same.

This is Nathalie Noisette's story...

Nathalie Noisette is the author of Converted Uncovered, a book about credit. She was motivated to write it because she didn't know anything about credit for many years and learned the wrong things when she did start to learn about it. She wants to encourage people not to be scared of credit and to use it to their advantage. When starting the conversation about credit with children, she recommends starting as early as three years old and exposing them to the concept in a variety of ways. She also recommends that children be given allowance money and be rewarded for their efforts, rather than their chores..

In this episode, you will learn the following:
1. How credit can be used to leverage making more money
2. The importance of teaching kids about credit and budgeting early on
3. How to address bad credit and move forward


Chapter Summaries:
[00:00:01] - Natalia didn't know anything about credit for many years. Natalie didn't feel bad about not having the engineer on the show. Today's topic will be about credit and how to build credit. It will be discussed on the hashtag Speak Easy podcast.

[00:01:46] - Natalie is the author of Converted Uncovered the Hidden Strategies You Need to Achieve Massive Credit score Success. She wrote the book as an old to help women and single mothers who are struggling with navigating the terrain of what is right, what is wrong, and how to correct it.

[00:03:39] - It's important to understand that credit awards you opportunities. People get mixed messages when it comes to credit. Even if you have cash, there's only so far cash can take you. A lot of wealthy people have loans in their names because of the tax advantages that they get from their businesses. Some children are easier to work with than others because parents are responsible for molding and shaping their young minds. Children need to be exposed to financial literacy books as early as 3 years old. They need to understand the concepts so that when they go into the world, they have real-world applications. As an African American woman, I had a hard time divesting my value as a person from what I had. I'm trying to start to reap the rewards. The next book is called Mental Money. It explains how to improve your credit score. Florida has just added it to its curriculum. Speakesasy wants to reach out to his listeners to get the book as a textbook reference to teach financial literacy in schools. This is what is the charge you have been given. If your kids are in school, this is what they need. If you have grandkids, nieces, or nephews that are going through it, what is needed. There is a part that we play as parents that we can do at home, but also, we need this as a core curriculum for the schools.

[00:18:21] - In this episode, some of you learn some important things about credit. This is the first time you delve into what that really means for you when it comes to credit. It may be something you have to go back and listen to a few times. This may be the person that you need to reach out to and connect with. There is going to have to be some changes.

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Survive and Thrive with Dr. Yvonne Vissing
27 July 2022
Survive and Thrive with Dr. Yvonne Vissing

If you're a parent looking for help crossing the finish line, Yvonne's your guide. In this episode, you will learn: 1. What it means to survive vs. thrive
2. The importance of taking time to enjoy life's simple pleasures
3. The power of learning from mistakes

"One step at a time is how you grow."

Dr. Yvonne Vissing is a sociologist and professor of healthcare studies at Salem State University in Massachusetts. She has 15 books out and travels around the world learning about how children are treated.

This is DR. Yvonne Vissing's story...

As a mompreneur, Dr. Yvonne Vissing has experienced the best and worst of times while balancing motherhood with her career. She has learned that it takes time to figure out what works and what doesn't, and that it's okay to make mistakes along the way. What's important is to learn from those mistakes and to keep moving forward. Dr. Vissing's work is all about helping children and families thrive, and she is passionate about sharing her knowledge so that others can benefit from it. Her books are available on Amazon, and her website is a great resource for those looking to learn more about her work..

In this episode, you will learn the following:
1. What it means to survive vs. thrive
2. The importance of taking time to enjoy life's simple pleasures
3. The power of learning from mistakes


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Chapter Summaries:
[00:00:02] - The #Speakeasy Podcast is going to have a conversation about the mental aspect of being a parent and an entrepreneur. It's not always the topic of discussion when it comes to entrepreneurship, but it's important for parents and entrepreneurs.

[00:01:24] - Yvonne is going to have a conversation with him about her life. She will tell the studio audience a little bit about herself and then they will get started. Yvonne has had some hiccups and some trying to fill her way in the dark, bumping some toes.

[00:02:01] - Sociologist and professor of healthcare studies at Salem State University in Massachusetts, is trying to figure out the best practices on how to make sure that children survive and thrive. Her parents didn't teach her how to be a good role model for her children, and she made many mistakes in her life. This year for her birthday, she wanted to go horseback riding for the first time. But most of her friends had never been. She was born and raised in Philadelphia, but now she lives in a small town with farmland and an orchard. She believes in finding the balance between business and family life. Yvonne talks about the importance of being in the moment and the expectations that we place on ourselves and on other people. Yvonne has experienced many different hardships in her life. She has a sign in her house, on her wall, and it says, if it takes 1000 whacks of the reed to break the rock, the first 999 were necessary. 

[00:20:28] - Speakeasy is a podcast about elevating, your life and business. Every episode is about you being able to elevate in life and in business. Listen to this episode and let us know how it resonates with you by leaving a review on your favorite podcasting platform.

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