The Expat Files 9.6.24

The Expat Files 9.6.24

Progressive Radio Network

About this episode

#1- Expats- please stop obsessing about US politics:
Shut up about it. Most of us expats have left to escape all of that. If you’re so obsessed, please do us a favor and just go back to Cleveland.

#2- The many ways gringos piss off the natives:

#3- Latin America- the land of deadbeat dads:

#4- Why Latina ladies nearly always prefer gringo men to their own Latino men:
It’s way too simple to say its because gringos have more money and resources. Today we offer another stark “boots on the ground” story to prove the point…   
#5- Be sure to pick up my newly updated, "LATIN AMERICAN HEALTHCARE REPORT":
The new edition for 2024 (and beyond) is available now, including the latest "Stem Cell Clinic" info and data and my top picks for the best treatment centers for expats and gringos. Just go to     

#6- Our own Expat Captain Mango has developed a unique one-on-one Crypto consulting and training service (he’s been deep into crypto since 2013). To get started, email him at: