The Boundless Show
The Boundless Show

The Boundless Show

Life is challenging for Christian singles. How do you balance work and personal life? How do you own your faith? How can you date with a purpose? And prepare for marriage? All while honoring God through it all? Hit up The Boundless Show, a Christian podcast for young adults, for some good, honest conversation. The young adult years are full of possibility and choices that shape who you become. Join host Lisa Anderson to discuss the highs and lows, lean on each other, and trust God in this important season of adulthood.
Madi Prewett Troutt on Love: Episode 823
09 November 2023
Madi Prewett Troutt on Love: Episode 823

When your beliefs are challenged at work, plus Madi Prewett Troutt talks “The Bachelor,” love and singleness, and how to lean on God after a breakup.                         


Featured musical artist:  David Dunn


Roundtable: When Your Workplace Challenges Your Convictions (Part 2)


Managing the daily grind at work is hard enough, but it’s particularly challenging when the environment is hostile to your faith and convictions. It’s not unheard of to see Christians ridiculed, canceled, pressured or even fired for standing up for what they believe. How should this kind of workplace culture be navigated? Our guests come from fields in education, medicine, mental health and the corporate world, and have experienced ideological challenges on the job. They continue a great discussion from last week on how to stay true to your convictions in an increasingly hostile world.


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Culture: Beyond “The Bachelor” With Madi Prewett Troutt


In 2020, Madi Prewett Troutt became a both beloved and maligned contestant on TV’s “The Bachelor.” Her season in the public eye taught her much, especially what love is — and what it isn’t. She shares lessons learned from the show, dating in high school, marrying her husband, Grant, and most importantly — from God himself. Get Madi’s take on how to get the love you want instead of what will never last.


The Love Everybody Wants: What You’re Looking For Is Already Yours


Inbox: God Will Get You Through Your Breakup


Breakups aren’t easy, especially when you had high expectations for the relationship. People tell you to “lean on God” to deal with the pain, but what does that look like? Counselor Glenn Lutjens weighs in.

Standing for Truth at Work: Episode 822
02 November 2023
Standing for Truth at Work: Episode 822

When your beliefs are challenged at work, plus how introverts can win on the job, and balancing your priorities with your family’s needs.


Featured musical artist: Nathan Tasker


Roundtable: When Your Workplace Challenges Your Convictions (Part 1)


Managing the daily grind at work is hard enough, but it’s particularly challenging when the environment is hostile to your faith and convictions. It’s not unheard of to see Christians ridiculed, canceled, pressured or even fired for standing up for what they believe. How should this kind of workplace culture be navigated? Our guests come from fields in education, medicine, mental health and the corporate world, and have experienced ideological challenges on the job. They spark a great discussion on how to stay true to your convictions in an increasingly hostile world.   


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Culture: Introverts at Work


Are extroverts more successful in their careers? Listening to workplace lore, you’d assume that it’s easier for extroverts to get ahead, make friends, influence others, and be recognized on the job. Sometimes that’s true — but introverts, take heart. Introvert Dr. Mike Bechtle says that introverts have unique gifts and temperaments that can spell success on the job. Whether you’re an introvert or you want to better understand your introverted friends and coworkers, you’ll be encouraged by this discussion.


The Introvert’s Guide to Success in the Workplace: Becoming Confident in a Culture of Extroverted Expectations 


Inbox: When Your Family Needs You


You want to focus on your own projects, priorities and friendships, but your family sometimes needs your help. How should you respond when things feel out of balance? Counselor Linda Miller gives a few tips. 

From Meth Addict to Musician: Episode 821
26 October 2023
From Meth Addict to Musician: Episode 821

Finding hobbies beyond entertainment, plus the testimony of worship leader Stephen McWhirter, and when you feel burned out from loving others. 


Featured musical artist:   Aaron Shust


Roundtable: Purposeful Hobbies 


A new show to binge, a football score to check, and then some gaming (got to level up!). These pastimes are fun, but in an entertainment-saturated world, how can we balance our go-to media interests with hobbies that are more productive? Our guests open up about their struggles with consuming too much entertainment — and how they’re learning to stretch their minds and skills in other directions.


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Link to Plugged In Website 


Culture: Stephen McWhirter’s Journey From Meth to Ministry


Before Stephen McWhirter became known for the song “Come Jesus Come,” he spent a long season openly hating God. Growing up watching his dad, a pastor, abuse Stephen’s mom, Stephen wanted nothing to do with Christians. He turned to drugs, and for over a decade they consumed his life. But that’s where God met him. Hear Stephen tell how God redeemed his broken story and gave him a platform to show others the path to true freedom.


The Case for Christ: A Journalist’s Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus  


Stephen’s Music


Inbox: Burned Out From All the Takers


Ever feel like you’re giving your time and energy to everyone else, but getting nothing in return? If loving others is leaving you exhausted, counselor Jerry Jones offers hope.      


Link to Counseling Services

Feeling Unwelcome at Church: Episode 819
12 October 2023
Feeling Unwelcome at Church: Episode 819

When you’re ignored or unwelcome at church, plus dating after trauma, and should you date someone who’s recently divorced?

Featured musical artist: Danen Kane 

Roundtable: When People at Church Ignore You 

Have you ever visited a church only to have no one shake your hand or say hello? Maybe you haven’t been included in conversation, asked a question, or invited to participate. Most of us have faced some version of this. When it happens, what should you do? Walk out the door forever, snub people in return, or try something else? We talk about the awkward and disappointing effects of not feeling welcome at church, and offer suggestions for how to handle it short- and long-term. 

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Culture: Dating After You’ve Experienced Trauma

Whether it’s childhood trauma, circumstantial trauma or trauma related specifically to a past relationship, picking yourself up and moving on is no easy task. How do you know you’re ready to date after such an experience or season? Counselors Angel Perez and Kari Aho have experienced trauma and currently counsel many clients navigating these tricky waters. They’ll define trauma, suggest first steps, identify roadblocks, and outline healthy ways to re-enter the dating scene.

 From Trauma to Transformation: A Path to Healing and Growth 

Inbox: What If He’s Been Divorced? 

She discovered that the guy she’s dating was recently divorced. Where does she go from here, and what does she need to know? Counselor Kari Aho weighs in, sharing how she addressed this when dating her husband.  

Link to Counseling Services

Your Questions About Sex: Episode 818
05 October 2023
Your Questions About Sex: Episode 818

Ways to be a good gift giver, plus a sex Q&A with Dr. Juli Slattery, and is a second date recommended if the first one didn’t go well? 


Featured musical artist:   Ginny Owens   


Roundtable: Creative Gift Giving


Yes, Christmas is coming, but you don’t have to wait until the holidays to learn how to give good gifts. Even if gifts isn’t your love language, you’ll be inspired by this conversation to be more generous and creative in blessing others. Our guests share their gift-giving and -receiving experiences, what gifts have meant a lot to them and why, and how to think out of the box when considering gifts for friends, family and everyone in between.


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Culture: Dr. Juli Slattery Answers Questions About Sex


We asked you to submit your questions about sex and sexuality, and this week Dr. Juli Slattery is here to answer them. Offering clinical expertise, biblical wisdom and practical application, Juli answers questions including: how to talk about sex when you’re engaged to be married, how to navigate a relationship with someone who has a sexual past, sexuality and singleness, loving your LGBT friends while affirming God’s design, and more.


Rethinking Sexuality: God’s Design and Why It Matters


Article: What’s the Purpose of Sexuality if I’m Single

Article: Promise Rings and Purity Talks Aren’t Enough

Article: Is It OK to Masturbate?


Inbox: Should I Try a Second Date?


If a first date didn’t go well, should you give a second one a chance? How do you know if it’s worth it? Counselor Angel Perez weighs in.      


Link to Counseling Services 

Setting Up a Wedding Registry: Episode 817
28 September 2023
Setting Up a Wedding Registry: Episode 817

Creating a useful wedding registry, plus Peter Mutabazi’s journey from street kid to foster dad, and do most adults know if they want kids?


Featured musical artist:   James Peden


Roundtable: Wedding Registry Advice


One of the most iconic tasks of the engagement season is setting up a wedding registry. But if you hop online and haphazardly add items, or run around a store with a scanner like your life depends on it, you’ll soon second-guess if you’re doing the whole registry thing right. (You’ll also be downright exhausted.) For advice on putting together a thoughtful and practical registry, we asked several of our newlywed friends to share lessons learned, out-of-the-box ideas, and how to avoid offending gift-givers. They also discuss gifts they got that have proven especially meaningful.


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Culture: From Street Kid to Single Dad


As a child in Uganda, Peter Mutabazi experienced life in a violent home. He escaped and ran hundreds of miles away to Kampala, where he lived on the streets. He survived this way for years until a young man showed him kindness; this small encounter changed everything. Now living in the United States, Peter is a foster and adoptive dad in addition to running a business and working in the nonprofit world. His story will inspire you as a reminder that God can redeem even the most broken situations.


Now I Am Known: How a Street Kid Turned Foster Dad Found Acceptance and True Worth 


Inbox: Do You Want Kids or Not?


Do most people know if they eventually want children? How much should having kids be prioritized, especially when so many young adults are delaying marriage? Counselor Geremy Keeton weighs in.


Link to Counseling Services

Looking for Spiritual Maturity: Episode 815
14 September 2023
Looking for Spiritual Maturity: Episode 815

Stories of porn addiction recovery, plus finding belonging as a Christian, and how to know if your boyfriend is spiritually mature.


Featured musical artist:   Liz Vice 


Roundtable: Overcoming Porn Addiction (Part 2) 


Pornography addiction is increasingly common today, even among Christians. It’s a struggle many don’t want to admit, and freedom often feels out of reach. But our guests have broken the pornography cycle, and they join us this week to share more from the stories they began last week, including what worked (and what didn’t) and why through God’s grace, freedom from sexual sin is possible.    


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Culture: Fitting Into the Family of God


Katy McCown and her family moved six times in 10 years thanks to her husband’s NFL career. Uprooting yet again, her feelings of loneliness were acute. As an antidote, she had to aggressively pursue community at church and in smaller circles. She’ll share some of her best tips for making it work, with Scriptural applications for plugging in, welcoming others, and carrying friendships into a new season.


She Belongs: Finding Your Place in the Body of Christ 


Inbox: Is My Boyfriend Spiritually Mature? 


Her boyfriend is 20 years old and she’s wondering if his maturity is “on par” for his age. She’s nervous about predicting the health of their relational future with little data. How much spiritual maturity should she expect from him right now? Counselor Jerry Jones weighs in.

How to Break a Porn Addiction: Episode 814
07 September 2023
How to Break a Porn Addiction: Episode 814

Stories of porn addiction recovery, plus how God saved a marriage from pornography, and when to talk about past traumas in a dating relationship.


Featured musical artist:  About a Mile


Roundtable: Overcoming Porn Addiction (Part 1) 


Pornography addiction is increasingly common today, even among Christians. It’s a struggle many don’t want to admit, and freedom often feels out of reach. But our guests have broken the pornography cycle, and they join us this week to share their stories: what worked (and what didn’t) and why through God’s grace, freedom from sexual sin is possible.


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Link to Counseling Services 


Culture: When Porn Shows Up on Your Honeymoon


Mark and Rosie Makinney were on their honeymoon when a terrible secret was discovered — Mark was addicted to pornography. Rosie confronted him and together they began a journey to see if Mark was serious about his sin and if their marriage could be saved. You’ll hear their incredible testimony of God’s redemption, plus Mark’s no-holds-barred account of what he had to give up to finally crush porn’s hold on him.


Fight for Love: How to Take Your Marriage Back from Porn


Hope Restored


Inbox: When To Reveal Trauma to Your Date 


Everything from past sexual experiences to self-harm, abuse and other traumas can be hard to discuss when dating. If you’ve made decisions you deeply regret, when is the right time to bring them up in a relationship? Counselor Glenn Lutjens weighs in.