LetsTalkValue with Medical Communication Professional Robert Matheis

LetsTalkValue with Medical Communication Professional Robert Matheis

Verena Voelter, MD

About this episode

Value in health care defined as <<bringing stakeholders together - early on - defining what best outcomes to achieve>>. There couldn't be a better way than to kickoff this 6th season of our LetsTalkValue podcast series, today with Rob Matheis, CEO of IMSPP. We speak about how linear & insular ways of working of the past have been replaced by connected & holistic cross-functional ways of working. Tune-in to hear how Rob brings in real-life example on how to make it happen. We also speak about the value of real-word data and patient-reported outcomes #RWD #PRO - two buzzwords these days that in our view belong into any comprehensive evidence generation plan early on! This episode isn't only a must for all SciComm and Publishing people, but anyone working in matrix teams as well as product development.