Learning from the best in #VBHC: Culture change for patient-centric health care

Learning from the best in #VBHC: Culture change for patient-centric health care

Verena Voelter, MD

About this episode

This episode is featuring the world's best clinic for the treatment of patients with prostate cancer - Dr Detlef Loppow @Martiniklinik is sharing the podium with our host Dr Verena Voelter, CEO 5P Health Care Solutions. A few sound bites that make this a unique opportunity to hear live from this leader in value-based health care transformation:

    mindset is key: people need to be enthusiastic about their field
    culture change: incentivize on outcomes "what can I do better for my patients today?"
    get the right people join the journey: recruitment and retention of key talent (doctors, nurses) and invest in creating new roles that are critical for VBHC success (case managers, care coordinators, IT specialists, data scientists, statisticians)

What can everyone do get started with a pilot? Start collecting data! Start by asking what do you want to change and collect these outcomes. This is what the Martiniklinik started doing in 1992 before it was even baptised and founded in 2004. Tune-in and share your thoughts. As always, feel free to like, share and engage.