*50* celebrating 50 episode of #LetsTalkValue with Collaborative Value Generation featuring Nienke Feenstra

*50* celebrating 50 episode of #LetsTalkValue with Collaborative Value Generation featuring Nienke Feenstra

Verena Voelter, MD

About this episode

Today we welcome one of our favorite guests and experts on the collaboration scene in health care --> Nienke Feenstra, GM Takeda in France. She was also recently featured at our #5PFlagship2023 event (direct link to the post production video here)

In this anniversary episode we're discussing practical ways, tips and tricks, on how to build bridges among key players along the 5P value chain: pharma - policy - provider - patients. It's a must-have for anyone who wants to get inspired that change in healthcare is indeed possible through a deep mindset and culture shift.