Episode Twenty One

Episode Twenty One

Dave Fugett

About this episode

Award winning filmmaker Dave Fugett shares a website he found where you can read scripts and he continues the discussion about writing dialogue. What do you do if you experience "writer's block" while punching out dialogue for your script?  How can I increase the odds of getting an A List actor interested in my script? The answers are right here...

Dave's award winning feature film "THE HIKE" is exclusively on Vimeo to stream or purchase.
Link -  www.vimeo.com/ondemand/thehikemovie  
Facebook - www.facebook.com/neverhikealone
Website - www.thehikemovie.net 
This episode recorded remotely using Alitu. Edit your podcast in minutes.
Final audio master created using Magic Mastering from Buzzsprout.
Music and sound effects purchased and licensed from www.audiojungle.net