Toni Toney talks about her mystical experience which led her on a journey with the Breath and a quest to assist us in preparing our bodies for the shift of the ages. Her books The Ecotarian Diet, The Seven Day New Moon Transformational Fast and The Immune Cleanse outline how to prepare your body.
Toni talks about the inhalation breathing into spirit, the exhalation breathing into matter, Ecotarianism, the body's Ph., the Seven Seals.
She is a decendent of John Hancock who wrote the American Declaration of Independence and that legacy of freedom runs through her bloodstream. Find freedom in your breath and in your body!
Toni says "From the historic sites of the seven churches of early Christianity and the sacred heart of Rumi and the whirling dervishes in Turkey, to the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, to the revelations of St. John on the island of Patmos, to joining hands with Hippocrates, the father of medicine, on the island of Kos in Greece, I discovered myself again. The veil is lifting. The end of the world as we know it is passing away. A Great Awakening is taking place—a new world is about to be born!" Ciara Longman Rebirthing Trainings