Ending Human Trafficking through Entrepreneurship and Educating Youth with Dr. Marlene Carson
31 March 2021

Ending Human Trafficking through Entrepreneurship and Educating Youth with Dr. Marlene Carson

Be On Air


"Communities, churches, organizations have to come back together again and become the village to help keep our children safe. We have to."

This week's episode of Be On Air amplifies the voice of leader, entrepreneur, surthrivalist, minister, author and publisher Dr. Marlene Carson. Her righteous devotion to helping the youth and adults affected by a life in trafficking represent how important this issue is for the world. Dr. Carson's stories evoke deep sorrow for the youth exploited by trafficking organizations. She has dedicated herself to inspiring people everywhere to take action against human-trafficking for the good of everyone.

In this interview we discuss how Dr. Carson founded Rahabs Hope of Ohio and became CEO of the Switch anti-trafficking network. She is one of America's foremost authorities on the subject of human trafficking as well as a member of the United States advisory council on human trafficking. Supporting Dr. Marlene Carson and her mission is the first step we can take to help abolish human sex-trafficking.

Learn more about Rahabs Hope of Ohio and donate!

Find them on Instagram: @RahabsHopeOfOhio

Anti Trafficking Hotline Number: (888) 373-7888


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[00:29] - Who is Dr. Marlene Carson

[01:55] - What the audience should know about sex-trafficking

[03:06] - Marlene's Story

[12:21] - Arrests and Human Trafficking Laws

[15:06] - Shifting Human Trafficking Legislation

[17:19] - How to implement preventative measures?

[24:26] - About Rahabs Hideaway

[28:23] - What inspired Dr. Marlene Carson to create housing for people in need?

[30:30] - How traumas are stored in the body

[33:00] - Starting Peer Preneur

[37:20] - How to support Rahab's Hope of Ohio

[38:47] - How Dr. Marlene Carson got out of Sex-Trafficking

[43:16] - Call To Action!