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Zeno Plans

Broadcast like a pro, grow your station faster, and earn more by subscribing to a Zeno Plan today.

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Prime members get special access to:


Get paid for audio ads played on your station.

Call-to-listen Line (USA)

Call-To-Listen allows your audience to access your content dialing a phone number in the United States. Let your listeners access your station without Internet data by using their phone minutes plan.


Live chat on your station's profile in the Zeno Radio app.

Podcast & Shows Recording

Create a playlist or a podcast with recordings from your live broadcast. Set your schedule, record the shows and distribute them on a RSS feed as on-demand content.

Music tag

Use the "Music" tag to list your station on Zeno.FM. Music royalties on our website are covered under BMI and ASCAP for Prime members.

Now everyone has access to earn from audio ads with Zeno Plans.

The monetization feature is included in our Prime plan, this means you can now get paid for audio ads played on your live and on-demand content, no matter how big or small your audience is.
Zeno Plans also empowers you with a variety of features that you can take advantage of, to help you grow your station or podcast, and take it to the next level.

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