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Most Popular Podcasting Formats

Most Popular Podcasting Formats

Getting started with podcasting can seem tricky; but it doesn’t have to be. If you are reading this, chances are you have already fulfilled the first step:  the desire to begin creating your own content. Let’s look at some of the most popular podcasting formats you can choose for your podcast.

1. One-on-one interview

The most common format for a podcast is a one-on-one interview. This format is wildly popular due to its simplicity and the endless possibilities for conversation topics and guests. 

A host, a guest, and a microphone. What could be more simple? 

One of the most popular interview podcasts is the Joe Rogan Experience. The stand-up comedian and former Fear Factor host has invited a wide range of guests onto his show- from astrophysicists to politicians.

2. Solo Casts/ Solo Commentary

Think of this as your own radio show. Pick a topic of interest, turn on your microphone, and talk about it! Choose a topic where ideas  you are discussing this week’s episode of your favorite television drama or your thoughts on the upcoming presidential election.

3. Multi-Host Talk Show

Don’t like flying solo? A multi-host talk show allows for vibrant and engaging conversations between two or more hosts. You can bring on guests or simply choose a topic for that episode and dive in!

4. Non-fiction native storytelling

This  focuses on real stories, real life.

Breaking download records and being one of the most famed podcasts of all time,“Serial” falls under this category. The first season of Serial was an investigative journalism piece on the murder of  18 year old student Hae Min Lee in Baltimore. 

Whether it is a true-crime investigation like Serial or a news report, such as The New York Times “The Daily.”

5. Repurposed Content

Don’t let information die.

Whether you are a member of a church recording a service or a school administrator conducting a workshop, your content can live on far past the time allotted for your Sunday service or that Monday afternoon workshop.

It can now reach a much wider audience with a podcast!