SunShining News :: SunShining Update :: and DS Song Review

SunShining News :: SunShining Update :: and DS Song Review

The SunShining

About this episode

You may not want to watch this video in full if...

You are not interested in the latest SunShining News.

You don't care what my plans for the future are.

You are not a fan of The SunShining Podcast.


I probably could have done better in this video.

But I miss the SunShining Podcast and I miss talking for more than a 5-minute video.

I just wanted to talk for a long time.

The question is what did I talk about?

I thought it was important stuff.

I maybe had too much for one video.

But whatever.

Thanks for watching or reading the description.

If you are a young person and if you have any spiritual-related questions I encourage you to connect with me.

I want to continue Daily SunShine throughout the summer.