DS :: Getting Something out of the Bible

DS :: Getting Something out of the Bible

The SunShining

About this episode

# DS :: Getting Something out of the Bible

(How to stay engaged in God's Word? - Thanks to an Instagram follower for suggesting I do a video about this.)

 (Reading and Getting Something out of the Bible)

(Stay Tuned for more videos on this topic.)


Hi, my name is NCR, and welcome to another episode of Daily SunShine.

I love creating and sharing thought-provoking content and encouraging people to get into the Bible.

(If that sounds like something you are interested in, I encourage you to hit the subscribe button.)


I have done an episode titled...

"How Easy To Read The Bible without getting anything out of it"


"What did I get from that chapter?"

But I have never talked about how to get something out of the Bible.

So that is what I will be doing today.


In the video where I talked about how easy it is to read the Bible and get nothing out of it.

I feel like I bragged too much about how much of the Bible I read.

I don't want to brag in this video. But I do just want to say that I have been reading the Bible for a few years. So I have some experience.

And today I just want to share some of my top tips on how you can read more and get more out of the Bible.


## 1. Don't treat it like a chore.

You read other books for enjoyment right? Why don't you read the Bible for enjoyment too?

## 2. Pick a pace that works for you.

Read through individual books at a time.

Don't take 28 days to read the gospel of Matthew because it has 28 chapters.

Read it through in a few days.

Maybe someone who has been a long-time Christian and has read through the whole Bible a few times they can take that long. But if you have never the Bible through before. I would recommend sitting down and reading it like a book.

## 3. Be intentional about making time to be and spend time in the word of God.

(That is basically it for this point.)

Pick a time that works for you.

## 4. Be involved with a community.

I am an introvert. So I love to read the Bible by myself.

But being a part of a Christian community can really help you get more out of God's word.

And just because you are a part of a group doesn't mean that you should get into God's word by yourself.


Well, that is it for today.

Those were just some of my top Bible study tips.

There is defiantly more that could on this topic.

{That is why I will be doing more videos on Bible reading and Bible study.}

If you have any questions on this topic of Bible study or on any spiritual-related topic feel free to ask them in the comments or connect with me on social media and send me a direct message.

@TheSunShining on Facebook and Twitter or @TheSunShiningNCR on Instagram.

If you watched this far thank you so much. 

If you haven't already hit the like button and don't forget to subscribe.

And as always think about what you have heard from me here at the SunShining.



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