Music from the 60's 70's 80' 90's and today's music, Country and gospel music. Talk radio and the Real News {NOT THE FAKE News} Info wars News with Alex Jones Top stories of today events in the world. [WE WELCOME ALL INDEPENDENT MUSICIAN MUSIC AND SONGS AND {COMEDIAN'S LIVE TRACKS Only} If you would like to be a guess on our show contact us at the email below.
SEND ALL Original SONGS and the rights to play your music on our station without any payment of your music being played. Also send a bio of you or your band with your music and your website. All songs and pictures and bio's will not be sent back to you, and they become property of this station to play or not to play. {If rights and Bio are not sent in with your songs, you will not be played on the air.} If you want to sell your songs send your PayPal or your payment account info to us and there is a 20% fee on all sales of each song sold by WROK TV & Radio. If you would like to buy airtime or time slots to be played, please contact us at the email below for more info and pricing. Email: