Wreck Session
station launch
Welcome and thank you for checking out Wreck Session Radio Show. Wreck Session is a radio show directly affiliated with 2infamous2real Radio of Texas.
Hosted by the Peoples Dj Tony Mac the Mac Truk, Wreck Session Radio Show programming pays homage to the derivative arts of Hip-hop and RnB through curated music selection, hot remixes of familiar favorites, and even genre based mash-ups! We guarantee that we will deliver the wow factor with every show and artist interview. We are certain to play something you haven't heard before. So turn your volume up and prepare to enjoy curated music thats hand-picked for your listening.
Wreck Session Radio Show is for MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY!!
(Not suitable for listeners under 17 years old.)
As you know, we are an independent broadcast station. For us, It has always been hard to maintain our broadcast without your support. To support us, please click to the donate button and then choose the app you’ll donate with. Thank you very much!
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Join us March 6th for alive Broadcast from The Drop Skuad Hemp Consultants!