WORD RADIO is a ministry radio of WORD OF LIFE GOSPEL CHURCH Ministries, headquartered at 1359 Holton Ln Takoma Park, MD 20912.
Rev. Maxwell Asenso, Founder and General Overseer
To bring people to Salvation in Jesus Christ and disciple them in their relationship with Jesus Christ. This is in line with the Great Commission as stated (Matthew 28:19-20). "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and in the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you".
To see Word of Life Gospel Church as a dynamic, Spirit-Filled, worshiping & multicultural church, numbering in the thousands, and impacting our cities, our towns, our villages, our nations and our World through preaching and teaching the Word of God; leadership training and development, humanitarian efforts, win souls and church planting.
We believe that all Scripture (Old and New testaments) is divinely inspired of God and is the only authority of faith and Godly conduct I Tim. 3:15-17 We believe there is one true and living God, the creator or all things; All knowing, Eternal Love, the redeemer of mankind. He has revealed himself as Father, Son and Holy Ghost. St. John 1:1-14 We believe in the Trinity. We may scripturally speak of
Learn more about us at https://wordoflifegospel.org/
Email: info@wordoflifegospel.org
Tel: (301) 434-3194
Address: 1359 Holton Ln Takoma Park, MD 20912.
Bishop Maxwell Asenso, founder and general overseer of Word of Life Gospel Church was called and ordained at World Harvest Church at Columbus, Ohio by Pastor (Dr.) Rod Parsley in July 2001. After seeking the face of God with much prayer and fasting, Word of Life Gospel Church was established in October 2001. Ever since its birth, Word of Life Gospel Church (W.O.L.G.C) has seen tremendous growth and out powering God’s anointing, Grace and favor upon the church. The vision of Word of Life Gospel Church is to use the Word of God to transform lives in this end time. Proverbs 29:18 states that “Where there is no vision, the people perish”. God through his sovereign wisdom has given Word of Life Gospel Church this vision with a specific plan – to nurture, train and equip disciples for the end time harvest of souls. Word of Life Gospel Church’s mission is to preach the word that changes lives to all nations and communicate God’s word to the world through evangelism, teaching, preaching and other mediums of communication. Based on this vision and by God’s grace, Word of Life Gospel Church has established churches in Ohio, South Africa, Ghana, and Sierra Leonne.