WDYP Talk Radio - Discover Your Potential
“Discover Your Potential” with Cindy Gilman, Certified Holistic Practitioner and Spiritual Medium, is a radio program All About YOU. The program is informative, inspiring, motivating, spiritual, and yes, with some humor. People often ask what is my soul purpose? Often the answer is right inside just waiting to come forward. It just needs a little nudge. Often we think we are working and walking the right direction. Then the universe sends us on a detour and you have that aha moment. Life is full of twist and turns. Sometimes we think change is frightening. However, daring to make that change is life-changing.
We are all connected by a common thread, which binds us all together. We have more in common than we realize. Each person comes into our life for a reason, to teach us something or for us to teach them. Some connections may last a short time or sometimes a lifetime. But each has its own significance.
We hope you will join us and participate on the show “Discover Your Potential,” with Cindy Gilman Live Sundays at 5 PM EST and 2 PM PST. You deserve to look within and grow to your potential. So, do something nice for yourself.
Visit www.wdyptalkradio.com, to listen to the stream and see future guests.
To listen to our past shows: h t t p s : / / p o d c a s t s . a p p l e . c o m / u s / p o d c a s t / d i s c o v e r - y o u r - p o t e n t i a l - p o d c a s t / i d 1 4 8 4 4 2 8 5 2 4
Disclaimer- Information given by Cindy or guests should not be used in place in of seeing their physician. Cindy Gilman nor her guests not diagnose, prescribe, interfere with traditional medical advice, or promise a cure.