The Amazing AM 1400 - KXGN
The Amazing AM 1400 - KXGN

The Amazing AM 1400 - KXGN

Over 53 years of service to Glendive and the surrounding area. Total Survey Area Homes, 30,000 with ADI/DMA. Glendive and Dawson County are the trading nucleus for nine counties of the East-Central border area of Montana and Western North Dakota. One of the richest areas of the state with an income generated by wheat, sugar beets and cattle ranching. KXGN TV-5 is owned with KXGN 1400 AM radio and KDZN 96.5 FM radio by Glendive Broadcasting Corporation. All three media are highly promotional minded and always in evidence at any area event.

Oldies/Adult Contemporary with announcers to deliver copy and ad lib local events of community interest. Operating hours: 24-hour, daily

An ABC-Information Network Affiliate with full time news director, ag director and sports director. Six local newscasts daily. Mike Huckabee and other features.

Farm News:
Morning, mid-day and closing market reports: Ranch/Farm yearly cash receipts total over $30 million.

Over 60-years of live play by play of local High School sports, plus basketball, baseball and softball games for men and women from our local college, Dawson Community College. And, University of Montana football and basketball. Summer programs include the local baseball teams: Legion, Babe Ruth and Little League.

Glendive and Dawson County are the trading nucleus for a nine county area of over 63,000 in the East/Central border of Montana and North Dakota. One of Montana's richest areas in per household spendable income, generated from wheat and sugar beets, cattle and dairy products, oil and utility companies and railroading. Owned and operated by Glendive Broadcasting Corporation with KXGN TV-5 (CBS/NBC/MTN) and KDZN-FM (New Country, CBS) All four media are highly promotional and always in evidence at any area event.

Shows: Marian Hour Rosary, Focus On The Family, The Lutheran Hour, ABC Sports, Focus On The Family Weekend, American Gold, St. John's Lutheran Church Service, Ask Martha, ABC News Journal, Voyage of