Revival Vinyl Sundays
Revival Vinyl Sundays

Revival Vinyl Sundays

Revival Vinyl Sunday is probably one of the best platforms for reggae music and sorts this side of the 21 century where a new form of audience can now experience and taste this addictive music in away that had never been widely explored and hear in its pure form! This plant form allows the hard core and soft core lovers to enjoy and sample the rarest and deliciousness of these musical story’s and opens the door to a new set of audience home and abroad ! Where people will be able to take part in this musical experience! As well as show casing some of the greatest reggae artist singer show caseing some of the work that some people never knew about and soul artists who where doing there ting a long side some of the greats ! I can see revival Sunday being taken to heart by the lovers of this platform and may vinyl Sunday continue to grow from strength to strength while educating and giving everyone such a wonderful musical pleasure! Respect to the guys who came up with this beautiful ideas all the dj selector and all the back room staff ! Many thanks to all and those of you following vinyl records Sunday continue to support it and don’t forget to tell a friend about this unique platform! And keep following home and abroad! Peace love and musical happiness.