রেডিও সাগুন
রেডিও সাগুন

Thousands of radio stations and many television news programs have Web sites offering information that complements their on-air broadcasts. Some of the television news programs' Web sites broadcast streaming audio and video for people to listen to and view on their computers. Many of the radio stations' Web sites offer streaming audio of the radio broadcasts. Radio programs, songs, or speeches can be uploaded in a continuous stream of audio files to the Internet and subsequently listened to by computer users worldwide in close to real time. The radio signals travel by wire instead of through the air. In addition, there are Internet-only stations that target audiences that listen to radio at work via their computers. These Web broadcasters offer listeners music from a wide variety of musical genres as well as talk radio, access to chat rooms, and e-commerce transactions. Internet Talk Radio (ITR), modeled on National Public Radio, was the first regularly scheduled radio station on the Internet.

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