NovieG Retro Radio PH
NovieG Retro Radio PH

80's Homeboy Radio Addict

English Songs Collection

Back in the 80's I used to listen to FM radio stations the whole day long, when in my room, when I am on the move I got my Walkman with bunch favorite of cassette tapes, even when talking bath, crazy huh, duh but that's the way it goes back then...


novie-g-radio novie-g novie.g NovieG, Philippines, Filipino, Retro, Retro Radio, Oldies, Memory Lane, PH

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NovieG Retro Radio PH

NovieG Retro Radio PH

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NovieG Retro Radio PH - OPM Edition (Tagalog/English Songs)

June 7, 2021