Nogo Zone Democracy Radio -  Sweden
Nogo Zone Democracy Radio -  Sweden

Nogo Zone Democracy Radio - Sweden

We aim to beat our amazing historical record from the last election of 2018 - when we smashed the roof by democratic turnout and participation with the largest and most infamous of so called "Nogo zones" and "parallell socities" to the Swedish main society - Segregated areas.

In 6 months, we are having yet another election and our aim with this radio station is to increase knowledge of the Swedish political system as well as increase the common knowledge within about all the Swedish partys that are running for parliament. We will mirror the political debate that are taking place within the Swedish main society and make sure to communicate and inform the immigrants and citizens within Järva and as many segregated areas as possibly can.

Järva - base.

    - Info
    - Knowledge
    - New artists will get a platform to get heard / played
    - Dj mixes on friday night

    - By people from within - to the people within
    - Show and talk to all the partys and its people

    The goal is to use locals to make documentaries, host radio shows and work with this radio station to become the first true and real democratic media base for the people within the segregated areas.

    We are completely self-funded and are very happy and greatful for every help we can get to keep this going and at least run it on a full-time, regular and hi-quality basis for 6 months. Up until the election.

    For helping us out, you will of course get exposure, spots and why not - a visit to your company where we highlight your business. As a person, you will get your name on our website and thank you within the broadcasts - as a democratic friend to the segregated areas. We are completely neutral in our political or religious beliefs and our goal is to increase the participation in the national general election of Sweden in sep 2022.

    Av oss, med oss, för oss - om oss själva med målet att slå vårt egna historiska rekord från förra valet, ytterligare ökat demokratiskt deltagande år 2022.

    Med tanke på hur allt detta startade, med direkt fråntagna demokratiska rättigheter i valet 2010 & 2014 som slutade i upplopp. Har vi lyckats vända på det och trycka tillbaka extremism på egna bakgator - för hela landet, Sverige. Som to this day, remain silent and even - unaware...

Huvudvärd; Tommy Deogan

(Med förhoppningen och målet att öka kunskapen om både det svenska samhället samt det svenska demokratiska valet, dess partier och system. Lära upp och lämna över hela stationen som ska bli fast eget medium i förorten - till nya förmågor) Av boenden i dessa områden - för boenden i dessa områden men öppet för alla givetvis, vilket är en viktig mötespunkt.


March 9, 2022

Most welcome to this first radio broadcast

Broadcasting to many of the Nogo areas in Sweden