Light on the Rock
Light on the Rock

We’re now in the months leading soon to the Fall holydays of God, picturing when God will actively work through his elect saints to reconcile the whole world back to God through Jesus Christ. We’re learning how to do that by practicing God’s way of forgiveness and reconciliation with one another – now! 

be watching for new sermons and blogs that address this on . Reconciliation is so much deeper than mere forgiveness. Our Father is watching. He will use the very same standard on US in judgment that we are using on others.  If we’re forgiving and reconciling and uncondemning – God will be the same way to us. But if we won’t reconcile – we’re on dangerous ground. Who have you not reconciled with yet?

Thank you for your support for our ministry and for teaching God’s message of love and hope throughout the world. Please share this radio station beaming our sermons night and day all around the world with others. Praise our God.

Thank you for your encouragement and support we love hearing from all of you. Remember to check out our website Light on the Rock the audio sermons, video sermons and the blogs with hundreds of subjects.

Support Light on the Rock

Thank you for your contributions and/or tithes and offerings. We appreciate your help very much. They allow us keep producing new sermons and blogs for Light on the Rock, and to sometimes buy ads to let more of the world know about the true gospel of Christ and the Kingdom of God; God’s message of His grace and righteousness and His salvation for us. So your contributions help us pay costs of keeping Light on the Rock online. This includes cost of research materials, of maintaining this website, of buying and maintaining audio-video recording equipment and supplies, and other costs associated with producing and disseminating God’s message out to any whom our God is calling. We also help pastors in poor areas like East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania and Burundi) to be able to teach the good news and God’s word to their congregations – now totaling many hundreds. These truly are the very poor “least of these my brethren” that Jesus spoke of. Your donations help buy Bibles so our poor brethren can have their own copy of God’s word in their own language. It also pays for our pastors to be able to travel to teach around east Africa. Donations and tithes also pay for equipment as needed, such as PA system, photo copiers, smart phones for the leaders, chairs or emergency medical support when required.

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July 7, 2024

Discover Light on the Rock: Join Us in Spreading the Word!

If you're interested in learning more about Light on the Rock or discovering how you can contribute to our mission of reaching more people worldwide, please visit You can also reach out to Philip directly at Exciting developments are underway at Light on the Rock, and we eagerly await your feedback. Don't hesitate to share this link with others who may be interested.

April 27, 2024