Jamaicafoa FM
Jamaicafoa FM, the digital station for the homeward bound Diasporan.
Jamaicafoa FM was created by Africans born and raised in the diaspora, who returned back to our Motherland to live in Ghana. Inspired by the plight of friends and family left behind, we decided on a way to create a portal of information and inspiration for others also seeking to return. During our time here, continuous inquiries were made as to the hows and whys of our return. Mostly the hows! We decided that Jamaicafoa FM was the perfect medium through which to deliver streaming content worldwide, in a manner that could be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Whether or not you intend on Ghana being your final destination on the continent, we are sure that in these troubled times, we can share much food for thought, support, wisdom and hopefully, a few laughs along the way.
Join us on our telegram forum: @t.me/jamaicafoafm