Isambulo Rise Up Radio
Isambulo Rise Up Radio

Isambulo Rise Up Radio headquarters are located in KwaZulu Natal, Pietermaritzburg. Targets people ranging from young to elderly, specifically youth, reinforcing a sense of pride and culture to the young people of South Africa.

It focuses on Education and Entertainment. It provides an interactive environment for it listeners, broadcasting news, currant affairs and talk show, music, Gender based violence,Education, social affairs and Spiritual relations, with a maximum emphasis on local content. This radio station is listened by everybody ranging from youth to elder who understand Isizulu and English Language

Our mission at Isambulo Rise Up Radio is to inspire, educate, and empower our listeners, particularly the youth, on various social and business issues, including gender-based concerns and spirituality. We believe that by sharing our passion and knowledge, we can create a platform that fosters positive change in our communities.