Havilah radio
Havilah radio

Havilah radio

Havilah Praise Chapel is a family of disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are a community of people who live in joyful communion with Christ as we seek to Learn, Live and Lead (LLL) others to Him.

Our goal is to make disciples, not just decisions. To help new converts get grounded in the word and on the path of fruitfulness in Christ, our Mission will plant New Testament churches across the world.

Havilah Praise Chapel is under the umbrella of Havilah Mission founded under the influence of the Holy Spirit through His servant Rev. Andy Kwamena Simpson in the year AD 2020.

The first of such was launched on April 4, 2021 in Accra – Ghana called the Miracle Temple. The church has since grown to a congregation size of 220 and holds two worship services every Sunday morning.To build a dynamic church that will make a great impact in the lives of people, our city, our nation, and our world as we seek to develop people to DO ministry and to build people to BE like Jesus. (Acts 1:8, Ephesians 4:11-13).To Impact this and the next generations with the power of the Holy Spirit, to develop people to DO ministry and to build people to BE like Jesus Christ. (Acts 1:8, Matt. 28:19-20)

Motto- Learn It, Live It, Lead It (L.L.L