Fresh Fire Records and Publishing
Fresh Fire Records and Publishing

Fresh Fire Records and Publishing

Remnant Ministries in cooperation with Fresh Fire Records and Publishing present Fresh Fire's first internet radio station.

These two ministries have very similar mission statements to get as many Christian artist's out there so they can get their music on the air waves.

Cheryl Lundberg is the visionary for Fresh Fire Records and is developing a solid core of artists to play their music. Cheryl also writes many of the songs you'll hear on this station.

Some of the artists you'll hear is:
Reggie Campbell
Celia King
Angela Primm
Mitch Kenitzer
Ray "Chip" Davis

Fresh Fire Records & Publishing is part of a non-profit Corporation of Fresh Fire International

We hope you enjoy this station. If you'd like additional information you can contact me at

You can also contact Fresh Fire directly via their Facebook and website. That info is contained in the description of this station contained on this page.

Thanks for stopping in!

God bless!