FABC Business and Personal Development
FABC Business and Personal Development


ForeverABC is doing everything possible to build you in the best way possible.

This radio station is developed to provide professional business trainings, news, all sorts of personal development contents for all entrepreneurs, our vendors and customers in and out of Africa.

Our radio service is 24/7 around the clock. Tune in at anytime and enjoy yourself, learn and equip yourself for the future.

Chris Karpee, Founder&CEO

ForeverABC Personal Development & Business

ForeverABC Personal Development & Business

Visit our website to get notified latest news and updates.

Visit our website


We Are Opened To Donations ( Reach us)

Our radio station is 100% free for everyone. We are opened to donations so as to keep us running.

December 6, 2021

We Are Online 24/7

Hello. We are excited to let you know that this station is always active.

December 6, 2021