Flav Radio Online
Flav Radio Online

Flav Radio Online

Flav Radio Online is about sharing knowledge in entrepreneurialism and entertainment. Our core values are self-belief and can do spirit. Send your comments and views to +233-24-4430392 on WhatsApp. We'd be glad to receive and respond to them accordingly. Thanks for listening.

The DJ FLAVOUR logo was conceptualized and designed by myself Kweku Asare aka Flavour in the year 2005 to serve as my brand icon. It took approximately three weeks to finally decide and choose what became the core of the logo (the F) as the logo to work with. It was later digitally finalized by the two gentlemen mentioned in the references below, by adding a circle, the brand name and tagline to it. It is a very simple logo but has a lot of meaning to it as explained below:

1. The circle represents the world but not the world as we know it, but rather "my world".

2. The symbol in the middle stands for the letter "F". It also symbolizes a flame connoting passion; a burning desire to achieve set goals. It also cuts through the circle meaning I'm not limited to the world around me.

3. The head of the F stands for a wild cat (a feline) that is wild and free with a thunderous roar.

4. "The greatest" doesn't mean I'm the best to have ever done it, but the potentials embedded in me waiting to erupt like a volcano.

5. The whole logo forms an inverted "Q" which stands for Quality. It also forms a wheel symbolizing a forward motion or progress. No matter what the situation is we'll make progress.

Reference: a. This logo was derived from some other logos like the Fila brand and that of Canibus (American rapper/hip-hop artist) b. It was digitally produce from my drawing by #Shafanti and #AtoKasa both colleagues of mine at the time in my former work place.


November 30, 2022


Watch out for something exciting coming up on this channel.