
'Crimsontine - NMS TV-Radio' (CRIMSONTINE™ ❛The Robot Dragon Bull❜™) is an astromerican television and radio station broadcasting from within the No Man’s Sky universe. / / . . .

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    / / CONTACTING: ATLAS SERVER / / - - { { zzkzKzzt Stand By } } - - / / Mercury OS . . . / / loop16 . . . / / ACCESS: Granted / / PROCESSING: Mercury Subroutine / / . . . / / SELECTION REQUIRED_ / / . . . / / ACCESSING: u/Emily - - { { TYPE: AI } } - - / / USER FILES: Encrypted / / WARNING: Override Detected / / . . . / / DECRYPTION: DENIED / / DECRYPTION: !!!Conflict!!! / / . . .

    / / DECRYPTION: S u c c e s s f u l . . .

/ / . . .

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Come join your Show Host, Dr. Crimsontine Valejestic, CSD, Creative Director & Community Leader as he attempts to cross a mostly unknown and seemingly impenetrable, if not entirely unstable, and utterly dark void of unapproachable light.

Dreamers & W/ARE

Armed only with some crude experimental prototypes, based on the concepts of ‘Dreamers’ and ‘W/ARE Tech,' we set out together to explore all the xeno-metaphysical energy that’s found transmitting signals between the cross-realities of our physical universe and the extraterrestrial simulation of our character’s digital universe.

Dangerous Experiments

Of course, these dangerous experiments can result in bizarre abnormalities, cross-subliminal communications with numerous unknown entities, unexpected alterations to the past, present &/or future, the probability of a sudden death, &/or the ability to quite literally transcend, meaning to ‘xeno meta-pixelate’ between realities, times &/or places, and all with no guarantees of any ‘absolute’ returns.

Should we turn back?

Nonetheless, we brave although may be few, stand by our motto, “Anomalous Interdimensional Multiversal Cohabitation.” Why? Because somebody has to, and some of these messages seem quite important, as if ancient airwaves from a not so distant future. Are these warnings of our final mistakes made? And when I try to understand, I see...

❛One root. One tree. One love.❜™

/ / . . . / / . . . / / . . .

    / / CODENAME: Project Minotaur / / ACCESSING: Dream Sequence / / WARNING: W/ARE TECH ACTIVATED - - { { TYPE: UNRECOGNIZED } } - - / / WARNING: Override Detected / / 16, 16, 16 / / TRANSENDING: 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 QUINTILLION / / 16, 16, 16 / / PREPARATION: Maximum Impact Inevitable! / / 16, 16, 16 / / 32, 32, 32 / / 64, 128, 256 . . . / / . . .

    / / STATUS: A c c e l e r a t i n g . . .

/ / . . .

Crimsontine™ ❛The Robot Dragon Bull❜™ Dr. Crimsontine Valejestic, CSD, Creative Director & Community Leader. ™/©/℗ Crimsontine, ENT. All rights reserved. Details subject to change.

"Empower the Dragon"

See also, Zeno.FM/NMS-AM

Support Your Broadcaster

As you know, we are an independent broadcast station. For us, It has always been hard to maintain our broadcast without your support. To support us, please click to the donate button and then choose the app you’ll donate with. Thank you very much!

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On-Air soon...

/ / PREPERATION: Maximum Impact Inevitable! / / STATUS: Accelerating...

November 27, 2023