Casino Cabaret
Casino Cabaret
The station(s) CASINO CABARET , is a station of Garza Broadcasting located in Lake Charles ,Louisiana . Was founded By Mr Kenneth R. Garza in 2017 . We love to cater to different audiences. Mr Garza has been around and in the music broadcasting industry since the age of 6 yrs old.His father Alberto R. Garza was a music promoter also a musician as are his brothers and sisters. At an early age his father and Uncle introduced him to Radio and that was it he was hooked .
A Genre of music born out of unique cultures , that still continues to evolve into more and more ,to the style of the forefathers that started the movement and made it part of the culture that still lives on today . Practiced & sung by new Artist emerging everyday young and old. Casino Cabaret the genre of this station ,is more of the Era of the Big Bands . The days of Swing and Jazz . The days of when Las Vegas was ran by tight net outfits . Days of the Mafia ,days of big shows. Great artist would come and go through Las Vegas what a wonderful era enjoy.

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Casino jams

September 7, 2022

On air again

We are live

September 7, 2022