Aleph Radio Uganda broadcasts under ALEPH MINISTRIES UGANDA-The Father's House. Led by Pastor Tonny Musisi as Senior Lead Pastor
Aleph Radio Uganda is an online radio that informs, educates, entertains, equips, and inspires individuals to discover their identity and LIVE a purpose-driven life puposely to establish a strong partnership for transformative works, impacting communities that co-exist and co-create with God.
Through JESUS CHRIST we serve the Christian Community and strengthen the local church and family unit as we provide spiritual encouragement and a personal challenge with a Christ centered focus, through Biblical teaching, relevant information and uplifting music to the Glory of God.
I have come that they may have life and that they have it more abundantly (JOHN 10:10).
Go into the world and make disciples of all men (Mark 16:15).
Apostolic Ministry. Evangelism and winning souls. Pastoring and caring for the flock. Prophetic for the knowledge of the times ahead. Teaching to ground people in scriptures.
To God be the glory and the joy on earth.
Pr.Tonny Musisi- +256783 177 808