94.1 Radio Bilal FM
94.1 Radio Bilal FM

94.1 Radio Bilal FM

Radio Bilal is an ideologically Muslim fm radio which was established 14 years ago by the Ugandan Muslim Supreme Council (UMSC), to serve as the mouth-piece for the Ummah (Muslim population) in Uganda. It was inaugurated on 25th September, 2006. It is a national radio station broadcasting   on 94.1 FM. It is clearly received in the most strategic parts of the central region,Eastern Uganda and some parts of Buganda Region and also some  parts of western Uganda i.e covering about 89% of the Ummah in Uganda.

As an Islamic community based radio station, Radio Bilal has succeeded in the past 11 years, in serving Muslims of Uganda with mind-provoking community development based programs, which targets to establish cordial relationship among members of the Ummah and, between the Ummah and other communities across Uganda.

Radio Bilal  has a wider coverage including, the entire regions of Central Uganda,Eastern Uganda ,Buganda Region  and larger part of the Western Uganda, with a consistent 20-hour broadcast services in variety contents.

Radio Bilal is also listened too worldwide through our online on www.ugandaradiobilal.com and also on bilal fm app.

Our recent audience research, postulated that, our listenership in the above inference geographical areas, are not only from the Muslim communities, but among other religious groups and organizations that developed interest in our broadcast contents. We therefore, have the capability of reaching out to our target audience (both the known and the unknown audiences) in an effective mode of communication