#ZFCFounderTalks - Documents & Templates
In this video, I talk about documents, templates and their importance of each. These are part of the branding exercise of the company and need to be adhered to. It also standardizes the communication to be sent to every audience type - internal and external.
View the corresponding video on YouTube - https://youtu.be/vAEBks2bywQ
Visit our company website - https://bit.ly/TheZanzeriaFamily
Visit Founder's Page - https://bit.ly/AyazZanzeria
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Company Pages:
LinkedIn - https://bit.ly/TheZanzeriaFamily-LI
Facebook - https://bit.ly/TheZanzeriaFamily-FB
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LinkedIn - https://bit.ly/AyazZanzeria-Li
Facebook - https://bit.ly/AyazZanzeria-FB
Instagram - https://bit.ly/AyazZanzeria-Insta
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