Panel: What does the 2024 EU election mean for the bloc?

Panel: What does the 2024 EU election mean for the bloc?


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The center-right European People's Party scored a clear victory in the recent European Parliament election, tightening its grip on the chamber. But far-right forces made major gains across the bloc.

In France for example, the far-right National Rally raked in nearly a third of the votes, which prompted French President Emmanuel Macron to dissolve the National Assembly and call new legislative elections.

What factors could explain the rise of the right wing in European politics? What does the 2024 election mean for the EU moving forward? Host Liu Kun is joined by Chen Weihua, China Daily EU Bureau Chief based in Brussels; Dr. George Tzogopoulos, Director of EU-China Programs and Senior Research Fellow at European Institute of Nice; Mike Bastin, China observer and senior lecturer at the University of Southampton.