Why Optimism Can Be Hard
09 February 2023

Why Optimism Can Be Hard

Wisdom with Charlie Perkins

Do you ever find it challenging to be an optimist? Sometimes, it's tough to be happy when you think about all the discouraging things occurring in the world. It's harder still when the people near you constantly talk about all those negative things. Yet, it's essential to be optimistic when negativity surrounds you. Thinking about everything you have to be appreciative of, from warm sunlight to clean water, can give you optimism. You might even resolve to keep a gratitude diary in which you pen everything that makes you break a smile throughout your day. Let's get into it in this week's episode of Wisdom with Charlie Perkins, available on Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, Amazon Alexa, Spotify, iHeart Radio, Google Podcast, and all major platforms.