"The Biblical Languages" An Interview with Dr. Lena Toews

"The Biblical Languages" An Interview with Dr. Lena Toews

Payton Arnett

About this episode

Believe it or not, the Bible wasn't written in English! It was written primarily in Hebrew and Greek. These languages are classes that pastors in the SDA Church take when in their undergraduate program, and Dr. Lena Toews just so happens to be my Greek teacher, I hope you enjoy this episode talking about the Biblical Languages, thanks to Dr. Toews for joining me!
"Pilate said, “So you are a king?”
JESUS responded, “You say I am a king. Actually, I was born and came into the world to testify to the Truth. All who love the Truth recognize that what I say is True.”
“What is truth?" Pilate asked"
~John 18:38
A show based on the question posed by Pontius Pilate,
"What is Truth?" Hosted by Payton Arnett

Check out my other show "Faith Talk" hosted by Oliver Robles and myself: https://linktr.ee/Faith_Talk
Personal Accounts: https://linktr.ee/Payton_Arnett
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