What Is an Essential Fatty Acid and What Do Dolphins Have to Do With the Newest One?

What Is an Essential Fatty Acid and What Do Dolphins Have to Do With the Newest One?


About this episode

As a lifelong learner, I feel pretty fortunate that I get to interview smart people, innovators, and inventors and say, "teach me something."

And this week, the big question was about Essential Fatty Acids. What makes a fatty acid essential? Spoiler: you have to ingest it and your body needs it for important functions. And what about saturated vs. unsaturated fats?

We dig in with the co-founders of Fatty15, Stephanie and Eric Venn-Watson, on the discovery of the essential fatty acid you'll find in the Fatty15 capsules: C15:0.

And the best part? Stephanie was studying dolphins when she made this discovery.


    Fatty15: the company that Eric and Stephanie co-foundedStephanie Venn-Watson's TED Talk about her discovery that C15:0 is an essential fatty acid.From The Washington Post: mounting research that C15:0 deficiency is linked to diseases like Fatty Liver DiseaseMy first interview with Stephanie and Eric