Trinity and WillPOP review all the drops of the week (1.31.22 - 2.5.22) on fxhash!
Twitter: @WaitingToSign
Donations: waitingtosign.tez
Episode Art: Steps of Yu by Nor44
Theme Music by The Gas Station, as heard in Sunset Dancers by Laurean0
Trinity's Favorite Drops:
Bren - Drift
Ragnarock - 1: The House
Catnips - SUM
Will's Favorite Drops:
RadarBoy3000 - Hash Machines
Jonasbo - TRACKS (plus Twitter Thread)
Ada_ada_ada - Barriers (plus KenConsumer Interview)
Big Projects:
mrkswcz - de|growth:generations
Lunarean - Solace
Nat Sarkissian - Dubious Floofs
Gpitombo - Industrial
1x1_ - Mythological Monuments
Ciphrd - Ethereal Microcosm
Other projects of note we didn't get to or only mention in passing:
KilledByAPixel - Astronomic Comics
Thegrecu - Herbarium Invaders
Nor44 - Steps of Yu
Tengil - Charge
PhilipBell - Fury
RevDanCatt - Hexagon - Art for Bots