Half Time Plan

Half Time Plan

Lisette Zounon

About this episode

In episode 37, In this month's episode, Lisette sits down with her dear friend and mentor, Nancy Bateman, as we dive deep into the discussion on planning for your "half time" – the transition into retirement, and how you can not only survive but thrive in this phase of life.

You will learn the following:

    What is Half Time Planning? Nancy breaks down the concept of half time planning and why it is essential for everyone, irrespective of their age or current job status.

    Strategies for Effective Half Time Planning: We delve into some effective strategies that can make your transition into retirement smoother and more fulfilling.

    Finding Joy: We talk about how to find joy both in the present and in retirement. We discuss how to identify and pursue activities that bring you happiness and satisfaction.

    Staying Positive and Healthy: We shed light on the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and how it can greatly impact your overall health and happiness during retirement. Nancy shares some practical tips on staying physically and mentally healthy.

Through our conversation, you'll gain insights into how to properly plan for your retirement, find activities that inspire and fulfill you, and manage your stress levels for a confident and fulfilling "half time".

For more information on Nancy and her upcoming galleries showing, you can check her  https://www.facebook.com/nancy.bateman

One of my favorite book on the subject of Half time is the book HalfTime by Bob Bufford that my dad introduced me to almost a decade ago. You can check out the video below where Bob is sharing the big idea before Half Time. All of us have more than one life to live!



You can also connect with your host on Instagram where she posts daily posts on how to stay confident @zsquare4africa 

My coaching Program Focus2Mastery is starting soon and enrollment has started, you can find all info https://zsquare.mykajabi.com/Focus2Mastery

I have a special coupon code for all my podcast guest , use the code MOM to get a quick discount if you enroll by May 31st 

You can support our show with a donation to Zsquare4theCure, a non for profit organization that empowers and educates women in West Africa on breast cancer and provides FREE breast exam and treatments. Go  to https://www.flipcause.com/secure/cause_pdetails/MTE2Njk2


to donate - This is a non-profit created by our host Lisette Zounon that has impacted over 20,000 women in West Africa since our inception in 2012.
All the proceeds supporting this show and future shows go directly to fund Zsquare4theCure programs. To learn more about Zsquare4theCure 2030 Impact goals and our work, visit our website at https://zsquare4thecure.org/