King Arthur in History, Legend, and Popular Culture.  Part One: Was Arthur a Real Person?

King Arthur in History, Legend, and Popular Culture. Part One: Was Arthur a Real Person?

Richard Abels

About this episode

This episode features a guest co-host, my old friend and colleague Dr. Jennifer Paxton, director of the Honors Program at The Catholic University of America and one of the best historians of medieval Britain. Jenny, Ellen, and I examine the evidence for a historical Arthur in the aftermath of the Roman withdrawal from Britain in the fifth century. We begin with the historical context, the "Fall of Roman Britain" and the coming of Germanic mercenaries and migrants to the British Isles. If Arthur existed, he would have been a military leader in the Romano-British resistance to the conquest of England by these newcomers from northern Germany and Jutland. The big question here is "if he existed."

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Intro and exit music are by Alexander Nakarada

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