The Tapestry Within - Part 1 - Values & Beliefs

The Tapestry Within - Part 1 - Values & Beliefs

Richa Joshi ©️

About this episode

When we talk about values and beliefs, we often think that everyone's is shaped similarly.

We do not take in to account the fact that values and beliefs are shaped by our 'individual' lived experiences, our 'individual' environments and very importantly our 'individual' upbringing.

In this very unique episode, I got to talking to Upeka and Amana, who are both migrants to Australia, and who share how their values changed over time. 

We've discussed how their intersectionalities have shaped their values, and also how they stay true to their values in the face of adversity. We also recognised that 'line' of work Upeka, Amanda and even I are in, have been shaped by these values. 

My hope is that you will gain some insight into your own values, how they are shaped, and the pritorities can change over a period of time.

Enjoy this episode, and do check out the work my guest are doing by following below links.

Upeka's Website | Upeka on Instagram | Upeka on Linkedin

Amanda's Website | Amanda on Linkedin

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