Ronald Reagan Saved Israel from Iranian Missiles, Sen. Hawley Destroys Mayorkas, + Trump Trial

Ronald Reagan Saved Israel from Iranian Missiles, Sen. Hawley Destroys Mayorkas, + Trump Trial


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The Rich Zeoli Show- Full Episode (04/18/2024):

3:05pm- After being dismissed as a potential juror in the Donald Trump “hush money” trial, a New York City resident spoke with MSNBC where she said that Trump “looked less orange” in person. She also added he looked “bored” in the courtroom.

3:10pm- On Wednesday, the Senate concluded its impeachment trial of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas—dismissing the charges. The House voted in favor of impeaching Mayorkas earlier this year. From the floor of the Senate, Sen. Mike Lee argued that the chamber’s Democratic leadership did not take the proceedings seriously, setting a terrible precedent.

3:20pm- While testifying before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on Thursday, Department of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas blamed “extreme weather conditions”—leading to devastated communities—for massive amounts of unlawful migration at the U.S. Southern border. During one notable exchange, Sen. Josh Hawley accused Mayorkas’ department of illegally paroling the migrant that ultimately ended up killing 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley in Georgia.

3:30pm- Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has gained ballot access in Michigan. Could this derail President Joe Biden’s chances of winning the crucial swing state?

3:40pm- Kassay Akiva of The Daily Wire writes: “The daughter of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MI), Irsa Hirsi, was suspended from Barnard College for taking part in the anti-Israel protests at its partner school, Columbia University, she announced in a social media post….Hirsi admitted that she took part in the ‘Gaza Solidarity Encampment,’ which consists of protesters with tents occupying part of the university’s campus, a violation of school rules.” You can read the full article here:

3:50pm- In his most recent Wall Street Journal editorial, Daniel Henninger writes: “Allow me to identify who saved the people of Israel last weekend from Iran’s missile barrage: Ronald Reagan. In 1983, President Reagan in a televised speech proposed what he called the Strategic Defense Initiative. Its core idea was that the U.S. would build defense systems that could shoot down nuclear-armed ballistic missiles, then expected to be fired by the Soviet Union at the U.S. mainland…By universal acclamation, the hero of last weekend was Israel’s missile-defense systems. The world watched in real time Saturday night as Reagan’s commitment to shooting down missiles protected Israel’s population from the more than 300 drones and ballistic and cruise missiles fired by Iran and its proxies at cities across Israel.” You can read the full editorial here:

4:05pm- Karoline Leavitt—National Press Secretary for the 2024 Trump Campaign—joins The Rich Zeoli Show to recap Donald Trump’s recent visit to a bodega in New York City where a large crowd gathered and chanted “we want Trump.” Plus, Leavitt notes that Donald Trump has an upcoming event in Wildwood, New Jersey on May 11th. If you’re interested in attending, you can get tickets here:

4:15pm- Joe Lancaster of Reason writes: “A bipartisan group of lawmakers is once again trying to keep the government from performing an end run around the Fourth Amendment by buying people's personal data. This week, President Joe Biden indicated that he opposed the bill. H.R. 4639, known as the Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act, ‘expands prohibited disclosures of stored electronic communications’ to include purchases of data by law enforcement and intelligence agencies.” You can read the full article here:

4:40pm- Rich saw the new dystopian movie “Civil War”—starring Nick Offerman, Jesse Plemons, and Kirsten Dunst. Rich hated it, and he hates Henry for recommending it.

5:05pm- The twelve jurors serving on former President Donald Trump’s Manhattan “hush money” trial have been selected—along with one alternate juror. According to Jonah Bromwich of the New York Times, opening arguments in the case may begin as soon as Monday. Trump has been indicted for attempting to conceal payments made to adult film actress Stormy Daniels. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg alleges that the payment concealment amounted to falsified business records which influenced the 2016 election.

5:35pm- Gerald Posner—Pulitzer Prize finalist & author of “Pharma: Greed, Lies and the Poisoning of America”—joins The Rich Zeoli Show to discuss his latest article for The New York Post, “Non-binary, neurodivergent activist ordering psychiatrists to push ‘gender affirming’ surgery over therapy.” You can read Posner’s full article here:

6:05pm- On Thursday, a seated juror in former President Donald Trump’s Manhattan “hush money” case was dismissed from the trial after she told the judge that aspects of her identity were made public—impacting her anonymity and preventing her from being objective. While speaking with Wolf Blitzer on CNN, former federal prosecutor Ankush Khardori expressed concern about the anonymity and safety of the jurors serving on the Trump trial. Khardori explained: “Now, this is not the fault of the media…Responsibility to guard all of the very specific information that we’re learning [about the jury] resides with the D.A.’s office and with the judge. I’m a little surprised that we are learning all of this because I do not think this jury is going to remain anonymous, necessarily, if they keep this up.”

6:10pm- While speaking to the press before boarding Air Force One on Wednesday, President Joe Biden seemingly suggested that his uncle was eaten by cannibals in New Guinea…wait. what? On Thursday Karine Jean Pierre clarified the President’s remarks, confirming that Biden’s uncle was not eaten by cannibals.

6:15pm- Prince Harry is now officially an American citizen! So, who hates the royals more: Rich or Prince Harry?

6:30pm- A newly released campaign ad claims that President Joe Biden is as “sharp as a knife.”

6:40pm- Joe Lancaster of Reason writes: “A bipartisan group of lawmakers is once again trying to keep the government from performing an end run around the Fourth Amendment by buying people's personal data. This week, President Joe Biden indicated that he opposed the bill. H.R. 4639, known as the Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act, ‘expands prohibited disclosures of stored electronic communications’ to include purchases of data by law enforcement and intelligence agencies.” You can read the full article here: