Real Estate Sessions Rewind - Russell Shaw - Russell and Wendy Shaw Realty, Realty One Group

Real Estate Sessions Rewind - Russell Shaw - Russell and Wendy Shaw Realty, Realty One Group

Bill Risser

About this episode


In this podcast episode, Bill Risser and Russell Shaw delve into the fascinating world of real estate and career success. They explore the evolution of Phoenix real estate, from a small town to a bustling metropolis. Shaw's unconventional career path from selling life insurance to comedy and then real estate is also discussed. The concept of "carte blanche" is explored, emphasizing the importance of freedom and authority in one's career. Effective communication skills are highlighted as crucial for success in the industry. The evolution of real estate advertising is examined, with an emphasis on understanding consumer needs. The significance of systems and replicable success is also discussed, with insights from expert Gary Keller. Building trust and treating clients with respect are emphasized, and valuable resources for homeowners and real estate professionals are mentioned.

Episode Outline:

(00:00:00) The Evolution of Phoenix Real Estate

(00:06:30) From Life Insurance to Comedy

(00:13:02) The Power of Carte Blanche

(00:20:07) The Importance of Communication in Real Estate

(00:26:28) The Evolution of Effective Real Estate Advertising

(00:33:35) Real Estate Success and Systems

(00:40:48) Building Trust in Real Estate

(00:47:36) No Hassle Listing

00:00:00 - Russell Shaw

Well, it would be the ability to talk to people. It would be the ability to communicate to people. And it would be like if I said, what's the most important part of intelligence? Let's take it that way. It would be to have some idea of what's going on with the other person.

00:00:24 - Bill Risser

You're listening to the Real Estate Sessions podcast. And I'm your host, Bill Risser, executive Vice President, Strategic Partnerships with RateMyAgent, a digital marketing platform designed to help great agents harness the power of verified reviews. For more information, head on over to Listen in as I interview industry leaders and get their stories and journeys to the world of real estate. Hi, everybody. Welcome to episode 360 of the Real Estate Sessions podcast. As always, thank you so much for tuning in. Thank you so much for telling a friend today I have a real treat for you. We are headed to Phoenix, Arizona, where we are going to be talking to one of the legends of Phoenix real estate, some might say The Godfather, just a huge figure in Phoenix real estate. I'm talking about Russell Shaw. Russell is with Realty, one group. When I first moved to Phoenix, he was bigger than life. You're going to see that as we get into the conversations. The phrase I'm applying for a job is something that if you were in Phoenix in the early two thousand s, you heard it over and over and over. Just an amazing guy. Let's get this thing started. Russ, welcome to the podcast.

00:01:34 - Russell Shaw

Thank you so much, Bill. I appreciate you having me on.

00:01:38 - Bill Risser

I've been remiss in waiting this long to have you on here. I just introduced you as the legend of Phoenix real estate and some of the great things you've done and the fact that I first moved to Phoenix in 2000 and my mornings were greeted just about every morning watching the news with I'm applying for a job. We're going to talk about that shortly, but first I'd like to start at the beginning.

00:02:06 - Russell Shaw


00:02:06 - Bill Risser

Rush, you're a native phoenician. There are very few of you floating around.

00:02:10 - Russell Shaw

Well, yeah, I was born in Phoenix, lived in Phoenix all my life.

00:02:14 - Bill Risser

Let's talk about that. Let's talk about, first of all, some of the changes.

00:02:20 - Russell Shaw

Oh my God. Like when...