The Abduction of Jim Andre ( Interview )
19 June 2021

The Abduction of Jim Andre ( Interview )

The Matrix Minds

Missing Time is a known Normal thing throughout all our studies and research when it comes to abductions. 

But, What about missing time and coming back to reality? - With a NEW Tattoo of an Alien Grey? 

What would you do if you were working on the computer one minute look down at the clock in the bottom right of your screen and then seem to be waking up from out of a dream only to look at the clock again and it's 3 hours later?

Not only are you confused about the loss of time? But you sent a burning sensation on your forearm only to realize you have a new tattoo!

Ladies and Gentlemen this is the Abduction story of Jim Andre. 

Buckle up brainiacs tonight is indeed going to be interesting.

Yea Man Yea!

It's Go Time ..

It's Show Time ...

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