Episode Summary
Do you want your brand to grow and have name recognition like some of the most iconic brands? I'm referring to those brands where you may see a logo or hear a sound, and you instantly know the company's name. If you want to be like them, you can use an "old school" marketing tool that is very effective but rarely used by most business owners and entrepreneurs. Press releases are an excellent way to promote your brand and increase the awareness of your products and services. In this episode, we discuss how press releases can boost brand awareness and build trust for companies that want to expand their market visibility in a cost-effective manner.
Episode Topics & Takeaways
•What is brand awareness
•Brand equity
•Word-of-Mouth promotion
•Rules for creating press releases
•Determining your target market
•Press release distribution services
•Press release syndication on social media
•Free eBook: Press Release Ideas | https://bit.ly/50Prid
•Press Release Toolkit (Lists, Templates, Checklists) | https://bit.ly/press-release-toolkit
•How to Format a Press Release in AP Style | https://www.newswire.com/blog/how-to-format-a-press-release-in-ap-style
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Academic Research
Want to uncover more knowledge insights and expand your learning? Here are a few research articles/case studies that connect theory with practice in the marketplace. Note: These articles are highly technical (i.e., the research method, data collection, and data analysis sections). To receive the most benefit, focus on the introduction and the conclusions/findings.
• Brand advertising as creative publicity. https://bit.ly/37qPFpR
• Understanding the concept of publicity in public relations: A synoptic review. https://bit.ly/3isASRX
• The impact of brand awareness on companies marketing strategies. https://bit.ly/3s2i3rT
• Building a strong services brand: Lessons from Mayo Clinic. https://bit.ly/3AlFbog